Aero-Tube® is a dual-patented aeration hose that produces finer bubbles and exposes more water to air than any other competing technology available today, at significantly less expense.

When it comes to water aeration, the more water a system can expose to air, the more oxygen transfer can take place. Aero-Tube® has micro pores that create a vast amount of micro bubbles that maximize the surface area of the water, exposing more of it to the air where oxygen transfer takes place.
Aero-Tube®’s micro bubbles also take longer to rise in the water and stay intact in water longer. This gives the bubbles prolonged exposure to the water, providing an abundance of dissolved oxygen through the bubble-water interface, as opposed to breaking at the surface and releasing the oxygen into the atmosphere. The result? A much higher rate of oxygen transfer than conventional dissolved oxygen systems.
Swan’s Aero-Tube® technology is already being used worldwide with great success. Its oxygen transfer rate and energy efficiency coupled with affordability make it the ultimate aeration system, ideal for a variety of applications. These include aquaculture, aquaponics, hydroponics, wastewater treatment or any application requiring effective input of air in water.